Another Round of Funding for More Efficient Vehicles

On January 22, Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz announced the release of, “More than $55 million to develop and deploy cutting-edge vehicle technologies that strengthen the clean energy economy.”  This is at least the second series of Department of Energy incentives for development of ways to increase fuel efficiency and reduce petroleum consumption.  Such technologies will “support the Energy Department’s EV Everywhere Grand Challenge to make plug-in electric vehicles as affordable to own and operate as today’s gasoline-powered vehicles by 2022.”

Energy Secretary Moniz makes keynote address at Washington D. C. Auto Show

Energy Secretary Moniz makes keynote address at Washington D. C. Auto Show

Secretary Moniz explained, “Energy Department investments in advanced vehicle technologies have had a major impact on the industry, driving down costs for consumers and reducing carbon emissions.  These projects will continue America’s leadership in building safe, reliable, and efficient vehicles to support a strong, 21st century transportation system.”

Funding opportunities include money for:

  • Advanced batteries (including manufacturing processes) and electric drive R&D,
  • Lightweight materials,
  • Advanced combustion engine and enabling technologies R&D,
  • Fuels technologies (dedicated or dual-fuel natural gas engine technologies,

Funding will go to cost-shared projects with private industry, national laboratories, and university led-teams. Additional information and application requirements can be found here.

The Department announced up to $35 million “to advance fuel cell and hydrogen technologies, including enabling the early adoption of fuel cell applications, such as light duty fuel cell electric vehicles.”

The DOE has also made another $59 million available: $45 million to stimulate solar innovation and $14 million to enable deployment in homes, businesses and communities.

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) defines it mission as accelerating development and facilitating deployment “of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies and market-based solutions that strengthen U.S. energy security, environmental quality, and economic vitality.”

These efforts, combined with work from the Vehicles Technology Office, should continue to build greater energy security and freedom from the need for foreign oil.

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